Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The 'Hypocrisy' of the Bullet, the Use of the Bible, and the (so-called) Believers... The Supreme Choice 2024 — JUST GOD: No Brands... No Labels...

 (about the photo) Hunt Dedicating First Bible Honoring Rev. Dr. MLK as a Prophet and Biblical Rights Leader: April 3-4, 2018, at MLK Memorial with DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and others

'When the Culture is Corrupt... So Are the People.' See previous article for Culturicity reference.

Hy·poc·ri·sy is defined as the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's behavior does not conform; pretense.

Hypocrisy may be at its highest level. Let's pray this is not the case. Hypocrisy must end, and it must die, NOW!

Please Note: We don't want anyone to think that we don't care about these matters of violence, hate, and divisiveness, and not feel the pain of the people, but how many times does this cycle need to repeat itself? Here are three areas to examine closely, and by the end of this post, you and I will know when hypocrisy has truly ceased. America needs to find our way BACK TO GOD, AGAIN! Those who are in... great. But those who are not, for the Kingdom's sake, join US(A) in this JUST GOD: No Brands... No Labels... move for God. Who's In?

Now, the hypocrisy case in the USA. The Bullet, the Bible, and the (so-called) Believers.

  1. The Bullet, though deadly, has no personality. It flows to a target given aim by a person/group/team/army who is guided or misguided when triggering such action or actions. The bullet can be discharged with guns or tongues. Both have the power to kill. Most often we kill one another with our tongues. The hate, the lies, false witnessing, talking so downgrading about one another. This is what's used daily at the highest levels, but who's reporting this? Not the news media. And yes, who's originating this? Today, we are calling it political violence, tomorrow it's domestic or other descriptions of violence. Violence on any front is wrong and must be called out, and mitigated.

So often we question the motive of the shooter(s) and leave out the cause, which is mostly originating from the culture that the person lives in. Again, when the culture is corrupt and contaminated, most often so are the people. The hypocrisy of the bullet too often focuses on the direction and person(s) from whence the bullet came and not the cause(s) that ignite the motive to kill, harm, and/or endanger. This is where the hypocrisy lives.

2. The (misuse of) the Bible: The Bible is what people in the USA recognize as the book that contains the holy writings that convey the Word of God for those whom He created. In short, persons who profess to be Christians and Believers of the God of the Bible say that his Word is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their pathway. This same book references the God to whom this nation vows to be under His will, laws, and government

3. The (so-called) Believer(s). These are all who confess a relationship/commitment to serve/obey the laws and practices contained in the biblical outline but are not practicing them. Up front, the main law is to love. It is the law that God is defined by in scripture. God is Love. It further adds that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The (so-called) Believers are the people who find ways to detach and dismiss these same laws and principles when it's convenient to disconnect. This is when personal, corporate, class, prejudice, and supremacy along with all other motives and benefits provide gain, status, greed and self-preservation of sustaining lifestyles. The (so-called) Believers simply house themselves inside political parties as well as denominational doctrines and walls that allow them to deviate from biblical adherence at their leisure. This is hypocrisy.

Today we are seeing yet another bullet mass shooting moment in our nation. Yes, it's the time when such tragedies bring a people, a nation, and a world to a screeching halt. But why? How much of this is hypocrisy? And sadly, this is where hypocrisy gets its licensures.

This post challenges all of US(A) to look at the long-term hypocrisy when we talk about the bullets (whether guns or tongues) that we continue to fire at one another.

But why is it that only when it hits certain people at certain times do we pause and start the prayer calls and assemblies? I say this is hypocrisy. Yet, God is still talking using the foolish things to confound the wise. We come together for a time in unity rallies, conventions, etc. But so short-lived. I say it’s time to end the hypocrisy. Yes, a God-transformation back to true love.


56 years ago, there was a bullet that landed on the face of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., which led to his death ago, there was a bullet that landed on the face of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., which led to his death. Was it the bullet that killed him or was it the corrupt culture of this country and its countrymen who created the environment for such a tragedy to come forth? Have we rectified the wrong by changing the culture? Who can get cleaned in dirty bath water? The tank and culture of America need a cleansing from God.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the only Pastor/Minister with a National Monument on the National Mall in our nation's Capitol. All other Memorials are Presidents and War Memorials. He is the only minister with a Federal Holiday. His role as a minister is significant as we talk about hypocrisy concerns and matters. We must gather in DC for a GOD Cleansing as a Nation.

In my long-term tribute to God's use of Rev. Dr. King as a biblical rights leader, I illustrate by referencing athletes who have sneakers and jerseys to represent their sport. Dedicating a Bible in honor of Rev. King, represents him as a servant of God as a pastor/prophet. The Bible points us to the genesis of his calling. He was activating God's Word. This was his legacy imprint.

As the producer of the first three years of the MLK Federal Holiday from Memphis, beginning in 1989, honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., included the Opening Tribute for the National Civil Rights Museum. (I have been around long enough to know hypocrisy when I see it.) No, not so that I can be happy to call it out, no more than a medical doctor enjoys giving a diagnosis of a critical disease or condition to a patient. It is to bring attention so that knowledge and treatment can bring about transformation and remedy.

Rev. MLK was assassinated on April 4, 1968. The day before he was assassinated, he delivered his final Prophecy on April 3, "I've Seen the Promised Land." He was not talking about Heaven. He was talking about a land in the USA that flows with milk and honey. This means a land well-nourished and with sweet/pleasant and delightful communities. A place and culture of love. 56 years later... are we there yet? Can we possess it? Can we make it demonstrative and not hypocritical? April 3, 1968, was the most powerful moment of his final days. Can we be the ones who work to bring the prophecy to promise fulfillment?

Each year on the third Monday in January, thousands of people (less now than in the nineties) put on a one-day show/tribute and then go right back to the same segregated and cultural dysfunctions. This day should garner millions who pray and elicit a GOD culture throughout the year.

This post is to take us deeper into what happens in these moments of hypocrisy, but do not without a cure/remedy to get us our hope and healing.

What Do We Do? Start Here:

  1. Be true to the Bible. No matter what your Political Party or Denomination, Corporation, etc., has to say about a subject matter, if it deviates from biblical laws, then so do you/we/us. If we are going to be Believers... "Be one on Sunday-Sunday and not only in the houses of worship. Be willing to go the distance and not just through elections and term limits. Just God: No Brands… No Labels."
  2. Leave the denominations, brands, and labels outside of the 'Sovereign Space' that belongs to God. There is no Black Church, White Church, Hispanic, etc., Church. In the beginning, there were no denominations. It was God and His Creation. His Church, the Church that Jesus built. When 'We the People' (of God) all come together as ONE, it will surprise the nation what this strength and POWER OF ONENESS could bring forth. We may see the emergence of a President who puts God above country, political party, denomination, etc.

We don't need to pretend during crisis moments that we love God, and that we love one another, etc., to pacify ourselves, protecting our brands and labels thus exposing the true characteristics of our cultural dysfunctions. The prayers are important, the speeches can be too. But do not do them for show or self-aggrandizement.

The Bible teaches that there is One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism. Why is it taking so long for US(A) to figure this out and make the move to unite as ONE?

Let's get out of these constructs/parties/denominations that delay and hold us back from being the true expression of the prayer we pray so often.... "Thy Kingdom Come... Thy Will be Done... In Earth as It is in Heaven.”


When we see the denominations uniting and dropping the brands and labels, when we see political parties and superPAC’s giving millions of dollars (instead of asking people who don’t have it to give) to poverty-housed people and neighborhoods, national days of prayer and community uplift and initiatives that directly transform the culture from poverty to prosperity, from hate to love for all mankind,  only then will we no longer need to say…

The Hypocrisy of the Bullet, the Use of the Bible, and the (so-called) Believers... Cultural Hypocrisy Must Cease — JUST GOD: No Brands... No Labels

Join us for a JUST GOD: No Brands... No Labels... Declaration Day. Stay tuned at:

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